Project Designer Module
Module Overview
The Project Designer Module was designed in web2Project as a means to streamline your daily workflow in part because it contains all the main minimum resources needed to effectively manage your [[project]] on one page.
It is a panel based interface rather than the core tab interface and it reduces the need to click multiple tabs to accomplish something. In addition its work area is somewhat customizable, and you can perform multiple actions at once.
For example, you might have a project that needs multiple Tasks. Rather than use the core task interface, you can use the project designer to add multiple task with different names at once.
The Work Area
By default the Project Designer Module work area contains six (6) panels which you can expand or collapse.
To expand or collapse panels do one of the following:
- Click on the plus icon on the far right side of the panel
- Click the blue up or down arrows in the upper right of the page.
In addition to expanding or collapsing the panels, you can save your view preference by clicking on the disk icon in the upper right corner. When you save this view, it will be the default view every time you open the project designer.
From this page you can also:
- Go back to the projects list
- Select another project
- Go to core project view
- Edit this project
- Create a new project
- Create an Event
- Add a new File.
Projects Panel
The first panel is the projects panel. This is the same is the core project view page and shows detailed information about the project and its overall scope.
Gantt Chart Panel
The second panel is the Gantt Chart for this project. It shows all the task for this project in a date view timeline. For more information on web2Project Gantt Charts see core modules.
Task Panel
The third panel is the task panel which displays a list of task for this project regardless if you used the project designer to create the task or not.
From this view you can:
- Edit the task
- View % complete
- View priority (P)
- View Access (A)
- View Type (T)
- View Reminder (R)
- View if the task is active (I)
- Create a task log (Green Icon takes you to the task log page)
- View Task Name (Clicking on the task name takes you to the default task view)
- View the task owner
- View the task dates and time (Also color coded)
- View Assignees
- Collapse the group (When you have lots of task, click the blue arrow on the left side to collapse all parents.
Actions Panel
The actions panel lets you change important elements related to your task. In addition, you can change the elements of multiple task at once.
To change the properties of a task or multiple task you must have to task panel open, and click that task checkbox on the far right side of that row.
Once you have the task selected choose from a number of options in the actions panel
- Change the start and end dates.
- Assign a new task owner
- Set a new priorty
- Change the access permission
- Move the task up a number of days
- Assign additional users
- Give the task a new type
- Set the progress
- Perform other operations such a market 100% complete or delete.
- Change the duration
- Unassign users
- Assign a task parent
- Set a dependency
- Move the task to another project.
Once you click the update button, all the task you selected in the task panel will update all at once.
Add Task Panel
The add task panel allows you to add multiple task at once.
Click the green plus (+) icon to add a task. Click the green plus (+) icon multiple times to add multiple task Enter a Task Name for each row Click on the (+) icon to add a description Select the start and end dates Choose duration, priorty, type, access and extra options. Click “add” to add multiple task at once to the project.
Files Panel
The files panel list all the folders and files for the project. See core modules File Module for more information.